
Axia IP-Tablet adds value to an Axia console purchase with virtualization of control and hardware resources.

The Telos Alliance has set the standard for innovation once again with its new Axia IP-Tablet, first shown at IBC in 2015 as a concept and available for sale next month.

The Axia IP-Tablet was designed by Livewire partner and Telos Alliance dealer Jérôme Gahery from IP-Studio specifically for use with Telos Alliance products.

“This is such a useful tool, we wanted to make it available to our entire network of customers, as there is nothing else like it in the industry,” says Cam Eicher, Director of Sales at Telos Alliance. “This product is a direct result of the open nature of the Livewire Partner program where a developer can create something really cool that the entire industry can benefit from.”

Axia IP-Tablet adds value to an Axia console purchase with virtualization of control and hardware resources. It also simplifies and aggregates control of several Telos Alliance devices, putting only what the broadcaster needs at his or her fingertips and creating shortcuts to control Telos Alliance hardware. Broadcasters can also use the IP-Tablet to manage user rights for device access, linking a user’s profile to his or her needs and access privileges.

Because it can replace an external monitor needed by an Axia Fusion or Element console, the IP-Tablet software also frees up space and sightlines in the studio. A beautifully machined optional aluminum panel fits right into any Fusion console and matches exactly, elegantly housing a 10-inch Windows tablet, just like a 4-fader module occupying four console slots.

The Axia IP-Tablet runs on a Windows tablet—anything from a low-cost Asus model to a high-end Microsoft Surface. It expands and enhances the functionality of an Axia studio and the various connected Telos Alliance equipment. Sold as individual modules, customers can buy those that are most relevant and beneficial to their installation, including modules for Telos Systems, Omnia Audio, Fusion Console Control (a Basic version is also available), Axia Pathfinder, and Metadata Link.

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Por • 13 Mar, 2017
• Seção: Áudio, Rádio