
Qvest - Konstantin Knauf - Jawid Mahmoodzada

É isso veterans Konstantin Knauf and Jawid Mahmoodzada become managing directors of the German firm’s entire European business.

The company believes that the company’s clients “will benefit directly” from the management reshuffle, especially in Germany and Europe. With this change, Qvest aims to offer its exceptionally broad and diversified portfolio of services “faster, more holistically and more comprehensively”. The changes in the Qvest management, effective 1 May, do not entail the departure of specialists such as Peter Nöthen (Global CEO), Thomas Müller (CTO) or Christian Massmann (CSO), who will continue to focus on the Qvest Group’s international investments and subsidiaries.

Konstantin Knauf started his career at Qvest more than 15 years ago. Since then, he has taken on project management and consulting responsibilities in Germany, Southeast Asia and Australia, among other markets. Since 2018, Knauf has been working as consulting director at Qvest. Meanwhile, media and technology expert Jawid Mahmoodzada has been responsible for some of the Qvest most complex projects for more than ten years. Since 2017, Mahmoodzada has been responsible for the company’s German and international partners and customers. Christian Boris Hönig completes the management team as CFO.

Peter Nöthen, CEO of Qvest, appreciates this restructuring of the company’s European leadership: “Qvest has played a significant role in the development of our company group. To this day, it forms the backbone for our activities and is the hub for the fulfilment of projects in Europe and other major international projects. For Jawid and Konstantin, this step marks another chapter in their personal “Qvest success story”, which makes me particularly happy for them. It is also very positive for us because we can assign experienced managers from our company to these important key positions. Our global partners and customers will benefit from Jawid and Konstantin’s hands-on expertise and years of experience in technology transformation in many ways.”

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Por • 5 Mai, 2022
• Seção: Negócios