
Management organization chart Mediaset Spain

After completing the cross-border merger process by absorption by MFE-MediaforEurope, Mediaset Spain Communication has adopted its final organizational structure.

Yes ok Borja Prado will continue to preside over the company, however it will be Alessandro Salem, the new CEO of the group, who determines the editorial line.

The Institutional Relations department that will direct Mario Rodriguez will report directly to Prado. Massimo Musolino, CEO of Administration and Operations, will report to Alessandro Salem and will be responsible for daily operations. The economic and financial departments will depend on him, with Javier Uría in front; and Technology and Operations, in charge of Eugenio Fernandez; and the human resources departments, in charge of Alicia Zamora; and Corporate Development, of which Juan Antonio Moreno He is a director.

Salem now also has direct responsibility for the management of the company, headed by Mario Rodríguez; the Department of Communication and External Relations, headed by Sandra Fernandez; Publiespaña, with Stefano Sala as president and Davide Mondo as CEO; the General Directorate of Contents headed by Manuel Villanueva; the news department, which will be in charge Juan Pedro Valentin; and the Telecinco news department, headed by Pedro Piqueras.

Mediaset Spain organizational chart

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By • 8 Jun, 2023
• Section: Business, Television