
The Garmin team used Riedel radio technology to ensure communication between a dozen vehicles and cyclists.

In the 99th Tour de France, the Garmin team used a radio solution from Riedel Communications. The real-time media networking and communications specialist installed a combination of a trunked radio network and NanoTalk to streamline communication between Garmin team members.

More than a dozen vehicles from the Garmin team, which won this year's Giro d'Italia, were equipped with the Mototrbo radio solution allowing communication between individual vehicles. Mototrbo provides a radio trunked network solution for any application that requires high quality voice transmission. Its long battery life and integration with a GPS module make this solution a perfect option for events such as the Tour de France.

In addition to the digital radio network, the Garmin team used the NanoTalk system for communication between vehicles and cyclists. NanoTalk is extremely small so it is very comfortable for a cyclist, for example.

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By • 1 Aug, 2012
• Section: Audio