
NEP in Ireland acquires an Artemis Light and an Artemis Beam for its Emerald and HD1 mobile production units, respectively.

Calrec at NEP Ireland

With the recent purchase of two Calrec Artemis consoles, NEP Ireland has standardized its five main mobile units with Calrec. The audiovisual services company has acquired a Artemis Light and one Artemis Beam for its Emerald and HD1 mobile production units, respectively.

Rick Poster, senior audio engineer at OBSTV/NEP Ireland, says equipping the company's fleet of mobile units with Calrec consoles was a decision that made sense from several perspectives.

“About four years ago we purchased an Artemis for one of our UK-based units, and we haven't looked back since. Calrec has a very large market share in the UK, and a lot of the freelancers we work with weren't really familiar with our older consoles, but they knew Calrec. Additionally, the company has made good progress in the development of its Artemis console, and since we started using this product early in its lifecycle, we have been able to develop alongside it and take advantage of better monitoring, including loudness monitoring, which is excellent. The I/O frames are also easily configurable and overall the Artemis is a great package for its size and price,” says Poster.

NEP Ireland is also taking advantage of Calrec's sophisticated Hydra2 network capabilities, which connect all mobile units. Poster highlights the fact that with the Hydra2 infrastructure, NEP has the ability to send audio signals over long distances using fiber optic cable and share those signals between each mobile unit. This reduces installation time and the amount of temporary infrastructure NEP needs to install. Among the projects in which NEP has used Artemis are the Irish version of Got Talent and the European finals of the Rugby Challenge Cup and Champions Cup that were held on May 11 and 12 in Bilbao.

Poster highlights, on the other hand, Calrec's customer service. “From the day the console arrives and throughout the service process, their technical support is excellent. This obviously had a big influence on our purchasing decision.”

Jim Green, Director of International Sales at Calrec, says: “One of the things we have learned over the years is that a combination of innovative and reliable consoles with a solid support system and fast setup time is the key. to keep our customers satisfied. “We are very pleased that NEP Ireland is harnessing the power of the Artemis console to keep its mobile units up to date.”

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By • 6 Jun, 2018
• Section: Rental / Services, Audio