
The Audiovisual Workshop of the University of Valencia (TAU) has relied on the professional services of Grau Luminotecnia to expand its virtual set. The lighting provision has been expanded, following the TAU line, integrating cutting-edge equipment in teaching, with a line of backlights made up of four Dedolight units from the classic series.

The Audiovisual Workshop of the University of Valencia (TAU) has relied on the professional services of Degree Lighting Technology. The expansion has allowed us to increase the surface area of ​​the studio, since it started in September 2008 with a gap in the roof and bottom as it was located on the third floor.

With the current improvement and expansion of the bottom and sides of the chromakey made of plasterboard material. The expansion of the virtual plate respects the construction of plasterboard with curved bottoms, including a third wall. Another improvement is the construction of a room, creating a room prior to the entrance to the set of approximately three square meters duly marked with the security and warning light, obtaining soundproofing and at the same time being separated from the lobby of the plant, minimizing noises that could interfere with recording.

Grau has expanded the distances where the spotlights are hung and where the characters are placed, which are going to be recorded, obtaining a considerable improvement in the camera frames. With this, shots of two or more characters can be offered from different angles.

The lighting provision has been expanded, following the TAU line, integrating cutting-edge equipment in teaching, with a line of backlights made up of four Dedolight units from the classic series. Another improvement involves installing a line of front light sources sufficiently separated from the plasterboard chromakey. Thanks to this, it is now possible to light the characters without placing tripods on the set.

The project has been carried out by José Luis Flores under the direction of Alex Martín, technical salesman at Grau Luminotecnia.

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By • 22 Oct, 2010
• Section: Lightning, Integration