
The new improvements increase broadcast performance, ensure service continuity and simplify targeted advertising.

Harmonic VOS360 SaaS

Harmonic has introduced important improvements to its platform YOUR SaaS and his cloud native software with new features that make live video streaming and broadcast delivery easier than ever.

City Bar, senior vice president of video products and corporate development at Harmonic, highlights that “the rapid evolution of cloud technology is ushering in a wide range of innovations in the media industry for both live streaming and media applications. traditional broadcast. With this summer release for VOS SaaS and cloud-native software, Harmonic continues to drive innovation, helping our customers achieve unprecedented efficiency, flexibility and reliability as they pivot to cloud-native environments in both public and private clouds. ”.

Your platform VOS360 Live Streaming Platform now includes new 1+1 geo-redundancy capabilities, ensuring uninterrupted streaming, more effective management of viewing peak audiences using multi-CDN and caching capabilities; compatibility with Google Ad Manager and FreeWheel ad management platforms; and latency reduction with support for Apple's low-latency HLS protocol.

As to VOS360 Channel Origination & Distribution Platform Now reduce infrastructure costs with cloud-first statmux support, while simplifying cloud playback workflows using new partnerships for traffic management and playback automation, including Aveco partners , Crispin/Sony and Florical.

With respect to VOS Cloud-Native Software, users will benefit from an increase in performance and density with Intel Xeon Scalable processors achieving greater CPU savings through a series of video quality encoding settings. Additionally, it is possible to deploy statmux broadcast capabilities and CAS provider integrations in the same stack.

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By • 7 Jul, 2020
• Section: Issue