
Renovación acuerdo RTVE-UPM

El rector de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Guillermo Cisneros, y el secretario general del Consejo de Administración de RTVE, Alfonso Morales, han firmado este miércoles la renovación del convenio específico de cooperación entre ambas entidades hasta 2026.

After the signing, Cisneros referred to the importance of this type of agreement. “UPM has always worked to enable technology transfer with companies and entities from different sectors linked to Engineering.” In reference to the renewal of the RTVE Chair, created in 2015, he was 'proud' of the agreement and stated that “this technology transfer is very positive for both parties and beneficial for society in general due to its contributions in multiple areas. : improvement of the quality of life, improvement of student training, support for the economic growth of the country, among other aspects.”

Por su parte, Alfonso Morales ha querido reseñar que no es solo una renovación, sino “una colaboración con vistas al futuro y progreso de la tecnología, porque Radio Televisión Española apuesta por la vanguardia de las nuevas tecnologías en el sector audiovisual”. Asimismo, ha mostrado su satisfacción por el grado de excelencia y estupendo funcionamiento de la Cátedra y del equipo de trabajo asignado. “Es un orgullo formar parte de proyectos que mejoran la calidad de los contenidos audiovisuales percibidos por la ciudadanía”, ha señalado.

El director de la Cátedra RTVE en la UPM, el catedrático de la ETSI de Telecomunicación, José Manuel Menéndez, recalled that this renewal is the result of the work developed since the birth of the chair and “values ​​the results obtained in multiple broadcast pilots in which we have tested different signal transport technologies in production and to end users, and also “We have demonstrated the viability of working with a UHD signal despite its complexity.” In addition, he has highlighted the role of the chair's advisory committee, made up of Cellnex, Dolby, Sapec and the Televés corporation, "without whom it would not have been possible to carry out these technological advances."

The rector of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM), Guillermo Cisneros, and the general secretary of the RTVE Board of Directors, Alfonso Morales

Twenty years of collaboration

The RTVE Chair was created in 2015, but much earlier, since 2004, the ETSI of Telecommunications (headquarters of the Chair) has been collaborating in different research projects for the development of telecommunications linked to the distribution of audiovisual content. In 2006, the first experimental UHD broadcasts on DTT or the first high definition test broadcasts on DTT that included interactive services were carried out (Campus HD, 2006).

From the Chair, projects have been carried out in the field of UHD (Ultra High Definition), UHD emission tests, and those carried out in DTT or signal improvement tests with a greater sense of immersion in UHD (including HDR, WCG, HFR or new generation audio).

Apart from producing specific UHD content, its behavior has been studied in the different elements that make up the end-to-end value chain for live broadcasts, from capture to reception. To achieve this, DTT, satellite (DVB-S2) and hybrid television have been used as distribution platforms.

En los últimos años se ha trabajado también en el estudio de las redes de comunicación de nueva generación (5G y otros), de cara a su posible utilización el sector broadcast para la mejora de los procesos de producción.

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By • 22 Feb, 2024
• Section: Training, Business